There are many projects I have been involved with, where the product design or implementation has been driven by the need for reporting, analysis or compliance, but backend effectiveness does not equate to customer satisfaction, and businesses should be more aware of this in their product releases. A key example… Continue Reading Backend effectiveness does not equate to customer satisfaction

Today I was promoted to CIO within the Naval Shipbuilding College, to build on the vision of a data-driven enterprise to evolve the sovereign capability of naval shipbuilding in Australia. I am honoured to be recognised after my first eight months to be credited with having the abilities and approach… Continue Reading My journey to CIO

I have encountered many baffling processes in businesses that leaves me wondering – who is your process written for? You may have spent many hours performing a Digital Transformation, focusing on streamlining processes and removing paper forms and taking advantage of new technologies to automate and accelerate processes and functions… Continue Reading Who is your process written for?

We have all heard it before; “I am not worried about my data, I am not very interesting or important” or similar assertions that their bank account does not have much money to steal, or their Facebook / Instagram posts are not embarassing or personal. However, this common viewpoint is… Continue Reading Why be concerned with personal data security?