I have been asked a few times, how do I upload files to a datastore, using the vSphere Web Client? I thought that it would be as easy as it is in the C# (Windows) client – but if you want to upload an ISO or VMDK directly to a datastore with the web client, then the process takes a could of extra steps.

First, all the same as before, select your datastore (third tab in the navigation pane).


Then, you need to select the Manage tab (third tab in the details pane)

Then, go to the Files tab. This should start showing folders, and when you select a folder it will show the files within (after a few seconds).

Upload Files to VMware datastore

 Now you should notice an icon above the files section that looks like a silver drive with a green up arrow. This is the button that allows you to upload files or folders to your VMFS or NFS datastore.

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